
O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness - Psalm 96

The celebration of the liturgy through the sacraments is the lifeblood of our parish. Whether it is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Holy Hour and Benediction, Confirmation, and Reconciliation, it is through the sacraments that we as a parish nourish our souls. Blessed John Paul II said "It is more necessary than ever to intensify liturgical life ... by means of an appropriate formation ... of all the faithful...".  Here at Saint Adelaide's the celebration of the Mass is always a reverential and joyful prayer. We place great value on rich liturgical treasures the church has given us in the liturgy and music. We like to consider ourselves a "Both-And" parish. Offering the sacraments in both the Ordinary and Extradorinary form.

Drawing upon the great musical heritage of the church, chants, hymns, choral anthems, organ and the occasional chamber ensemble comprise the bulk of musical offerings.  Our parish choir used to regularly sing at the Eleven-Thirty a.m. mass on most Sundays during the fall and spring term. Made up entirely of volunteers, new members are always welcomed to join. Please refer to our Ministries page for more information.  Since Covid, mass times and choirs have all changed.  Please check the mail page for updated info.  

Our Ten a.m. mass on Sunday is our "Family Mass". This family and small child-friendly mass is ideally suited to families with children and families with children in our Religious Education program. Religious education meets before and after this mass. The children are regularly invited to join the celebrant at the homily. We also provide a crying room for families with small children should they require it.

Worship is the very heart of what we do here at Saint Adelaide Parish. Everything our parish is and does comes from our celebration of the liturgy. So come.....join us in lifting your heart, soul and voice in praise of God. You are always welcome here!